Magically recycle anything into anything...
One of the Hottest Educational Topics in the world!
Fits into a 12" x 12" x 12" space.
Large load area 9.5" x 8" diameter tube.
Engineered for incredibly safe angles!
Can also be used in any show as a "Time Machine!" (transporting objects forward and backwards in time when placed inside)
Available Now!
$149.95 plus shipping
Comes with Green Machine, Yellow & Orange Trash Tube, Secret Gimmick, Sound Effects on Mp3 & Instructions!
What People are already saying!
Tony Blanco
Clever Idea and using a classic of magic to meet an theme on everyone's mind recycling and ecology..Your clever, yes you your clever!
Matt Bronsil
Steve, the stuff your company comes up with are always amazing.
Wanlu's Puppets
this is so cool!!! Great work Ax!!
Lou Hilario
Axcellent presentation.
Brett Roberts
I've seen so many magicians show a prop like that empty and then produce something from it. When they perform it, it's short and unspectacular. You've made this an amazing routine. And, your prop is designed in a way that it can really do a lot!
Stefano Di Pumpo
Hi steve, as you know recycling and magic it's my cup of tea... first of all congratulation, Good job !!
Austin Tyler Pruett
Awsome i want one!
Sally Alves Court
THAT is a VERY cool Squared Circle!!!! LOVE the spinner!!! Very, very cool. Okay, now I've got to have one!!!!!
Karl Sandham
great twist on a old trick, its uptodate and modern get down with the kids. well done Steve, you could use a draw box to put in all the recycled things then show theve gone back into trash :) or a puppet made of trash for big ending
Mike Henson -
Hey Steve,
I just watched the demo video and I think you have a WINNER here!
The story line is absolutely PERFECT. The prop itself is fun and BIG! This will play anywhere. I also love the spinning Recycling Logo.
I noticed some very cool subtleties in you handling as well.
The production of the video was excellent as well. I like the multi-camera angle editing during the patter. Very cool shhhtuff!
Overall this is a great creation as we all come to expect from you!
Good luck with your sales!
Wolf 's Magic
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